Translinguality, Transmodality, and Difference:

Exploring Dispositions and Change in Language and Learning

Bruce Horner // Cynthia Selfe // Tim Lockridge

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Metacommentary appears in inset gray blocks (like this one) and can be enabled on any page by clicking the toggle button in the top right corner. We composed these metacommentary sections at the end of the project, and they offer our thoughts and reflections on collaborative multimodal composing.

The metacommetary differs from footnotes, which can be found throughout the piece and were written before and during the multimodal composing process. The footnotes offer additional context for and layers of the main text; the metacommentary offers our thoughts on building this piece.

Because some of the metacommentary sections are quite long, readers might want to keep them hidden during their initial reading—saving them for subsequent visits to the text.

A photo showing two sets of train tracks. They converge in the distance. To their left is a red building. To the right, a bit of grass and a parking lot. Wires and trees sit in the middle distance. Above them, a light blue sky.
  1. Introduction
  2. Defining Terms Of Modality And Language: Multimodality, Transmodality, Multilinguality, Translinguality as Alternatives to “SLMN”
  3. Laboring With Language / Modality
  4. Pedagogy
  5. Institutions / Histories / Traditions / Disciplinarities: Re-inventing (vs. “Inventing”) Language / Modality
  6. Mapping Directions For Translingual / Modal Work
  7. References

Background image: "Old Music, New Sheets" by Mikael Wiman. Used via Creative Commons license.