Sound Never Tasted So Good: "Teaching" Sensory Rhetorics
Steph Ceraso

Web Version

ISBN: 978-1-7339598-0-3

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Sound Never Tasted So Good: “Teaching” Sensory Rhetorics explores how teaching with sound can lead to a deeper understanding of how the senses work together, ecologically. This multimedia book focuses on a “multisensory dining event” in which Steph Ceraso's students worked with a chef to create original sonic compositions that complimented and enhanced the visual design, smell, texture, and taste of a prepared meal. The event introduced students to new ideas about the rhetorical possibilities of sound and raised questions about when and why sensory rhetorics fail. Multisensory projects like this one, Ceraso argues, can attune us to the ambient rhetoric that influences moods and behaviors in a range of everyday settings. Drawing from a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary scholarship and media, Sound Never Tasted So Good offers a sensuous approach to digital writing and rhetoric pedagogy and advances discourse on the role of the senses in educational experiences.

About the Author

Steph Ceraso is an Assistant Professor of digital writing and rhetoric at the University of Virginia. Her 2018 book, Sounding Composition: Multimodal Pedagogies for Embodied Listening (University of Pittsburgh Press), proposes an expansive approach to teaching with sound in the composition classroom. Ceraso has published scholarship in journals such as Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Composition Studies, enculturation, and Peitho. She also received the 2015 Richard Ohmann Award for her College English article, “(Re)Educating the Senses: Multimodal Listening, Bodily Learning, and the Composition of Sonic Experiences.” In September 2018, Ceraso co-organized the first national symposium on “Sound, Rhetoric, & Writing.”

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