Sound and Access: Attuned to Disability in the Writing Classroom

Acknowledgements, Credits, and References
We are grateful for the support and insight of our colleagues at our respective institutions for continually working with us on all things related to disability and accessibility. Dev would like to thank Prairie Markussen, Heidi Wallace, and Angelia Giannone for the time they spent teaching students about captioning and being interviewed about their experiences with soundwriting, as well as Chad Iwertz and Ruth Osorio for presenting their research on captioning pedagogy during the 2016 Conference on College Composition and Communication. A version of their lesson plan "Composing Captions: A Starter Kit for Accessible Media" was adapted by the instructors in this chapter. Sean would like to thank Courtney S. Danforth, Kyle D. Stedman, and Michael J. Faris for their support and detailed feedback throughout the process of writing this chapter.
Image Credits
Header image courtesy of Joseph Sass. Sass is a mixed-media artist currently living in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife Prairie and daughter Ceridwen. Joseph is inspired by the Sonoran Desert, looked-over parts of cities, and AM radio.
The two stills from Master of None (Cord et al., 2017) and Out of the Past (Tourneur, 1947) are used under fair use (criticism and commentary).
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