The Bandwidth of Podcasting

9. Credits and References
- Image Credits
- Textual References
- Podcast Episodes & Other Media References
- Full Podcast Series Referenced
Image Credits
Smith, Bill. (2018, June 22). Frequency (the phenomenon of sound) [Photograph]. Flickr.
Textual References
Abel, Jessica. (2015). Out on the wire: The storytelling secrets of the new masters of radio. Broadway Books.
Alexander, Jonathan, & Rhodes, Jacqueline. (2014). On multimodality: New media in composition studies. Conference on College Composition and Communication/National Council of Teachers of English.
Ball, Cheryl E., Bowen, Tia Scoffield, & Fenn, Tyrell Brent. (2013). Genre and transfer in a multimodal composition class. In Tracey Bowen & Carl Whithaus (Eds.), Multimodal literacies and emerging genres (pp. 15–36). University of Pittsburgh Press.
Banks, Adam. (2015). 2015 CCCC Chair's Address: Ain't no walls behind the sky, baby! Funk, flight, freedom. College Composition and Communication, 67(2), 267–279.
Benjamin, Walter. (2014). Lichtenberg: A cross-section. In Lecia Rosenthal (Ed.), Radio Benjamin (Jonathan Lutes, Trans., pp. 336–359). Verso Books.
Bowie, Jennifer L. (2012a). Podcasting in a writing class? Considering the Possibilities. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 16(2).
Bowie, Jennifer L. (2012b). Rhetorical roots and media futures: How podcasting fits into the computers and writing classroom. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 16(2).
Bruffee, Kenneth A. (1984). Collaborative learning and the "conversation of mankind." College English, 46(7), 635–652.
Ceraso, Steph. (2014). (Re)educating the senses: Multimodal listening, bodily learning, and the composition of sonic experiences. College English, 77(2), 102–123.
Ching, Kory Lawson. (2007). Peer response in the composition classroom: An alternative genealogy. Rhetoric Review, 26(3), 303–319.
Clement, Tanya E. (2018). Word. Spoken. Articulating the voice for high-performance sound technologies for access and scholarship (HiPSTAS). In Mary Caton Lingold, Darren Mueller, & Whitney Trettien (Eds.), Digital sound studies (pp. 155–177). Duke University Press.
Crowley, Sharon. (2003). Composition is not rhetoric. Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture, 5(1).
Detweiler, Eric. (2018). A podcast?! Whatever gave you that idea? Some reverberations from Walter Benjamin's radio plays. In Jenny Rice, Chelsea Graham, & Eric Detweiler (Eds.), Rhetorics change / Rhetoric's change. Intermezzo/Parlor Press.
Devitt, Amy J. (2008). Writing genres. Southern Illinois University Press.
Edwards, Dustin. (2017). On circulatory encounters: The case for tactical rhetorics. Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture, 25.
Ellis, Erik. (2013). Back to the future? The pedagogical promise of the (multimedia) essay. In Tracey Bowen & Carl Whithaus (Eds.), Multimodal literacies and emerging genres (pp. 37–72). University of Pittsburgh Press.
Farivar, Cyrus. (2014, August 13). 10 years of podcasting: Code, comedy, and patent lawsuits. Ars Technica.
Flanagan, Andrew. (2017, May 11). The MP3 is officially dead, according to its creators. NPR.
Gere, Anne Ruggles. 1987. Writing groups: History, theory, and implications. Southern Illinois University Press.
Goudeau, Jessica. (2017, April 9). Was the art of S-town worth the pain? The Atlantic.
Gries, Laurie E. (2015). Still life with rhetoric: A new materialist approach for visual rhetorics. Utah State University Press.
Hammersley, Ben. (2004, February 11). Audible revolution. The Guardian.
Hilmes, Michele. (2013). The new materiality of radio: Sound on screens. In Jason Loviglio & Michele Hilmes (Eds.), Radio's new wave: Global sound in the digital era (pp. 43–61). Routledge.
Hocks, Mary E., & Comstock, Michelle. (2017). Composing for sound: Sonic rhetoric as resonance. Computers and Composition, 43, 135–146.
Kern, Jonathan. (2008). Sound reporting: The NPR guide to audio journalism and production. University of Chicago Press.
Kerschbaum, Stephanie L. (2014). Toward a new rhetoric of difference. Conference on College Composition and Communication/National Council of Teachers of English.
Khadka, Santosh. (2015). (Teaching) essayist literacy in the multimedia world. Composition Forum, 32.
Kilkenny, Katie. (2017, April 13). Brian Reed on the tough reporting decisions behind "S-town." Pacific Standard.
Krause, Steven D. (2006). Broadcast composition: Using audio files and podcasts in an online writing course. Computers and Composition Online.
Kuhn, Virginia, Craig, Alan, Simeone, Michael, Satheesan, Sandeep Puthanveetil, & Marini, Luigi. (2015). The VAT: Enhanced video analysis. In Proceedings of the 2015 XSEDE Conference: Scientific Advancements Enabled by Enhanced Cyberinfrastructure.
Kumanyika, Chenjerai. (2015, January 22). Vocal color in public radio. Transom.
Lambke, Abigail. (2019). Arranging delivery, delivering arrangement: An ecological sonic rhetoric of podcasting. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 23(2).
Losh, Elizabeth. (2009). Virtualpolitik: An electronic history of government media-making in a time of war, scandal, disaster, miscommunication, and mistakes. MIT Press.
Lunsford, Andrea, & Ede, Lisa. (1990). Rhetoric in a new key: Women and collaboration. Rhetoric Review, 8(2), 234–241.
McCoy, Terrence. (2018, February 23). "I don't know how you got this way": A young neo-Nazi reveals himself to his family. Washington Post.
Night Vale podcast [@NightValeRadio]. (2017, November 30). This post brought to you by Uber. Burn down all cities. Salt all fields. Uber. The end of all things [Tweet].
Nowacek, Rebecca S. (2011). Agents of integration: Understanding transfer as a rhetorical act. Southern Illinois University Press.
Pfister, Damien Smith. (2014). Networked media, networked rhetorics: Attention and deliberation in the early blogosphere. Pennsylvania State University Press.
Rice, Jenny Edbauer. (2018). Unframing models of public distribution: From rhetorical situation to rhetorical ecologies. In Joshua Gunn & Diane Davis (Eds.), Fifty years of Rhetoric society quarterly: Selected readings, 1968–2018 (pp. 165–182). Routledge. (Original work published 2005)
Ridolfo, Jim, & DeVoss, Dànielle Nicole. (2009). Composing for recomposition: Rhetorical velocity and delivery. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 13(2).
Rivers, Nathaniel A., & Weber, Ryan P. (2011). Ecological, pedagogical, public rhetoric. College Composition and Communication, 63(2), 187–218.
Robertson, Katie, & Gross, Jenny. (2021, February 25). "Reply All" podcast is paused after accusations of toxic culture. New York Times.
Roose, Kevin. (2019, June 8). The making of a YouTube radical. New York Times.
Selfe, Cynthia L. (2009). The movement of air, the breath of meaning: Aurality and multimodal composing. College Composition and Communication, 60(4), 616–663.
Shearer, Elisa. (2017, July 9). Audio and podcasting fact sheet. Pew Research Center.
The show. (n.d.). 99% Invisible. Retrieved February 17, 2018, from
Sterne, Jonathan. (2012). MP3: The meaning of a format. Duke University Press.
Sterne, Jonathan, Morris, Jeremy, Baker, Michael Brendan, & Freire, Ariana Moscote. (2008). The politics of podcasting. The Fibreculture Journal, 13.
Trimbur, John. (1989). Consensus and difference in collaborative learning. College English, 51(6), 602–616.
Trimbur, John. (2000). Composition and the circulation of writing. College Composition and Communication, 52(2), 188–219.
Voegelin, Salomé. (2010). Listening to noise and silence: Towards a philosophy of sound art. Continuum.
Walsh, Colleen. (2011, October 27). The podcast revolution. Harvard Gazette.
Ways of hearing. (2017). Radiotopia. Retrieved December 15, 2017, from
Yancey, Kathleen Blake (Ed.). (2006). Delivering college composition: The fifth canon. Boynton/Cook.
Zdenek, Sean. (2009). Accessible podcasting: College students on the margins in the new media classroom. Computers and Composition Online.
Podcast Episodes & Other Media Referenced
acclivity. (2006). Phoneringing.mp3 [Audio file]. Freesound.
Baran, Madeleine (Host). (2016, September 7). The crime (Season 1, No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In Samara Freemark (Senior producer), In the dark.
crz1990. (2011). Vintage telephone hanging up [Audio file]. Freesound.
Demby, Gene, & Meraji, Shereen Marisol. (2018). Talk American [Audio podcast episode]. In Code switch. NPR.
Detweiler, Eric (Host). (2016a, March 3). Byron Hawk on the shape of composition to come [Audio podcast episode]. In Rhetoricity.
Detweiler, Eric (Host). (2016b, June 3). Progymnasmata robotica [Audio podcast episode]. In Rhetoricity.
Detweiler, Eric (Host). (2016c, April 5). Sensational sounds: Steph Ceraso on sonic composition & pedagogy [Audio podcast episode]. In Rhetoricity.
Detweiler, Eric (Host). (2017, May 18). Monkeying around with new materialism: An interview with Laurie Gries [Audio podcast episode]. In Rhetoricity.
Detweiler, Eric (Host). (2019, June 19). The weird possibilities of academic podcasting [Audio podcast episode]. In Rhetoricity.
Glass, Ira (Host). (2017, December 8). Our town (No. 632) [Audio podcast episode]. In This American life. WBEZ Chicago.
Gross, Terry (Host). (2009, January 20). Spreading the hope: Street artist Shepard Fairey [Radio broadcast]. In Fresh air. NPR.
Jelly-Roll Morton and His Red Hot Peppers. (1926). Doctor jazz [Song]. On Bluebird [Digitized vinyl album].
Linsenmayer, Mark (Host). (2011). PREVIEW–Episode 33: Montaigne: What is the purpose of philosophy? (No. 33) [Audio podcast episode]. In The partially examined life.
Schur, Michael, Miner, David, Sackett, Morgan, & Goddard, Drew (Executive Producers). (2016–2020). The good place [TV series]. Fremulon; 3 Arts Entertainment; Universal Television.
Smith, Stacey Vanek, & Goldstein, Jacob (Hosts). (2015, November 25). Episode 665: The pickle problem [Radio broadcast]. In Planet money. NPR.
Thorn, Jesse (Host). (2017, June 21). Ira Glass (No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In The turnaround with Jesse Thorn. Maximum Fun.
transitking. (2008). Needledrop03.wav [Audio file]. Freesound.
Vogt, PJ, & Goldman, Alex (Hosts). (2015, August 27). Today's the day (No. 36) [Audio podcast episode]. In Reply all. Gimlet Media.
Vogt, PJ, & Goldman, Alex (Hosts). (2016a, January 7). The cathedral (No. 50). [Audio podcast episode]. In Reply all. Gimlet Media.
Vogt, PJ, & Goldman, Alex (Hosts). (2016b, February 25). Zardulu (No. 56) [Audio podcast episode]. In Reply all. Gimlet Media.
Vogt, PJ, & Goldman, Alex (Hosts). (2017, February 2). Storming the castle (No. 87) [Audio podcast episode]. In Reply all. Gimlet Media.
Full Podcast Series Referenced
In alphabetical order by podcast series title:
- The Adventure Zone (2014–present), Hosted by Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, Travis McElroy, & Clint McElroy
- Alice Isn't Dead (2016–2018), Written by Joseph Fink
- All My Relations (2019), Hosted by Matika Wilbur & Adrienne Keene
- Bear Brook, (2018), Hosted by Jason Moon
- Conversations with People Who Hate Me (2017–present), Hosted by Dylan Marron
- Dirty John (2017), Hosted by Chrisopher Goffard
- Ear Hustle (2017–present), Hosted by Earlonne Woods & Nigel Poor
- In the Dark (2016–2018), Hosted by Madeleine Baron
- In the Thick (2018–present), Hosted by Maria Hinojosa & Julio Ricardo Varela
- Longform (2012–present), Hosted by Aaron Lammer, Max Linsky, & Evan Ratliff
- The Moth (2008–present), Hosted by Dan Kennedy, Dame Wilburn, & others
- Missing & Murdered (2016–2018), Hosted by Connie Walker
- Mission to Zyxx (2017–present), Performed by Jeremy Bent, Alden Ford, Allie Kokesh, Seth Lind, Winston Noel, & Moujan Zolfaghari
- The Nod (2017–present), Hosted by Brittany Luse & Eric Eddings
- Not Your Mama's Gamer (2011–present), Hosted by Samantha Blackmon & Alisha Karabinus
- The Partially Examined Life (2009–present), Hosted by Mark Linsenmayer
- Political Gabfest (2007–present), Hosted by Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, & David Plotz
- Politically Re-Active (2016–2017), Hosted by Hari Kondabolu & W. Kamau Bell
- Radiolab (2002–present), Hosted by Jad Abumrad & Robert Krulwich
- Reply All (2014–present), Hosted by PJ Vogt & Alex Goldman
- Rhetoricity (2016–present), Hosted by Eric Detweiler
- RISK! (2009–present), Hosted by Kevin Allison
- S-Town (2017), Hosted by Brian Reed
- Serial (2014–present), Hosted by Sarah Koenig
- Still Processing (2016–present), Hosted by Wesley Morris & Jenna Wortham
- TED Talks Daily (2018–present), Various hosts
- This American Life (1995–present), Hosted by Ira Glass
- Triple Click (2008–2018), Hosted by Kirk Hamilton, Maddy Myers, & Jason Schreier
- The Turnaround with Jesse Thorn (2017–2018), Hosted by Jesse Thorn
- Ways of Hearing (2017), Hosted by Damon Krukowski
- Welcome to Night Vale (2012–present), Written by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor, Hosted by Cecil Baldwin
- Why Won’t You Date Me? with Nicole Byer (2015–present), Hosted by Nicole Byer
- Within the Wires (2016–present), Written by Jeffrey Cranor & Janina Matthewson, Performed by Janina Matthewson (Season 1), Rima Te Wiata (Season 2), Lee LeBreton (Season 3), & Mona Grenne (Season 4)
- WTF with Marc Maron (2009–present), Hosted by Marc Maron